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Can the type of clothes you wear be the reason for your unexplained pain

Many a times, we suffer from pains and discomfort which are difficult to diagnose and remain unexplained. Yes, tight clothing too can cause complications and pain

# Ever felt the aching legs after wearing the latest skinny jeans! They reduce blood flow to body parts, causing ischemia and pain. 

# The new necktie often leaves you with a stiff neck? They reduce normal range of motion of your Joints! 

# Tight clothes can alter your walking pattern and lead to host of biomechanical issues with your spine and legs.

# They can cause uneven distribution of fat in your body.

# They increase the risk of fall.

Make these changes Today – Try and wear comfortably fitted clothes in your day to day lives ‘. An extra half inch will go a long way in easing your agony ! 

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